Friday, March 02, 2007

For Rio?

Tonight, a group of us hit the Blanton Museum for the monthly B Scene. Tonight's theme was "Brazil & Bossa Nova" and celebrated the new exhibition, "Geometry of Hope."

The exhibition is awesome!!! Again, I went in to the exhibition thinking that it would be okay, but nothing that wouldblow me away. I was very presently surprised at this one - and I have a new favorite artist - Joaquin Torres-Garcia. His stuff is so cool - check it out!

Anyway, the joke of the night, thanks to Kenny, centered around the word "Brazilian."

Q. How many psos from Brazil are in $8?
A. A Brazilian!
Commentary: For Rio?!

Q. How many miles away is the car?
A. A Brazilian!
Commentary: For Rio?

I also enjoyed some text messages from Wiley about the nasty porn in one of the upstairs works (please note that I had never noticed this before) and watching Kenny make faces that matched the Jobbit dolls in the gift shop. It also was a highlight, as always, to watch Tim & Rhonda dance. They are bossa nova studs.

Anyway, have you checked out the Blanton yet? No??!! Get your butt over there!!!!!

For Rio!


MW said...

If heather hadn't pointed out how much she liked it, i wouldn't have spent time on ti, and found the objectionable content.

Now I'm considering sending an anonymous email to the Museum Curator and tell him how disapoitned that they have porn on display at a child's height.

I wonder how much it cost to buy the piece, and I wonder how much of an outrage I could cause. Myabe send a letter th the Statesman 3 days before the email?!

or maybe CNN...

Amanda said...

I still haven't been to the Blanton! Let us know next time you go to the B Scene, we'd love to come :)

MW said...

or, maybe i should learn to prrof raed.

MW said...

and by the way, I do believe that the accurate spelling of it is not Brazilian, that's coming from braxil.
Brazillion is the actual measure of more than a jillion