Friday, June 22, 2007

A rude awakening...

Today's Horoscope:

You have seen your share of excitement recently, just as you wish. There is, however, a problem as you head toward a major reality check. Unless you slow down in order to get more control of your life, you could have a rude awakening as you deal with the disillusionment ahead. On the other hand, intelligent analysis of the situation now will go a long way.

For the record, I don't believe in horoscopes - at least not in the way that implies that each person has a personal message derived from the stars or whatever. I know that someone is just talented at writing advice and got the horoscope writing job at google. I do, however, think that horoscopes typically offer good advice, and this one is no different.

For the past few months, I have seen my share of excitement. I'm busy as I've ever been, taking on more with both my job and my training than I thought possible. This in addition to balancing my friends and family and home. (People with children, how do you do it?!) As a result, I've been making some mistakes. I booked my company at the wrong hotel in Phoenix. I forgot to pay my credit card bill. I haven't changed the oil in my car in probably 15,000 miles. I forgot to administer some tests to my project managers that will result in my company getting "turned off" a program until I get them completed. None of this on its own is major, but these are mistakes I usually don't make.

The constant travel to Houston and other places may be taking its toll. It's hard to do a really good job when your mind is in two different places. At this point, I think I have about 2-3 more months of this constant traveling left in me.

Yet, what do I do when I'm in Austin? Book up every free moment with an event or a workout or another work event. Do I stop to breathe? No! Does the idea of stopping scare me? Hell yes!

So, like I said, I think this horoscope offers some very good advice. If I don't slow down, or at least take stock of where I am right now, I'm going to be in for a major reality check.


holly said...

I know what you mean. It's the whole finding balance thing. Maybe you need a vacation, a long one :)

Kris said...

Yikes! This is my horoscope, too! And I find myself in exactly the same situation you're in--doing too much and losing sight of the details in the process. Not good. I feel your pain, sister!