Thursday, February 14, 2008

Best Valentine's Day Gift Ever

When I was a little girl, say 6 or 7 years old, my mom happened to be in the hospital on Valentine's Day. I was so sad that day, and for the reasons only a pouty 7 year old feels, I felt like no one loved me because I didn't have a valentine.

I wasn't very nice to my dad when he arrived to visit after work, and I am sure that I just sat in the corner and sulked. My dad came up to me and asked what was wrong. "I don't have a Valentine today," I cried. "Well, honey, why don't you see what's in my shirt pocket. I think you might change your mind."

I reached in and pulled out a brand new Paula Abdul tape. I had wanted that tape for weeks, but I don't remember asking for it. Even though my dad was tired from work, stressed out, and upset about my mom, he still remembered his little Valentine. That is just the type of dad he is.

Thank you, Dad. I love you so much, and you will always be my Valentine.

1 comment:

Jane said...

you are a lucky girl to have such a thoughtful dad :-)