Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ahmedabad, India

This city is freaking cool.

And I am exhausted. I skipped a night out in favor of checking my email and going to sleep so I'm rested for my 4:15am wakeup call.

-Dinner last night --> tradiational Gijuradti tali. Soooo yummy, and gorgeous place. Details later.
-This morning--> long bus ride to the Step Well. long bus ride to the largest well + Mosque. (Badgered Prof Doggett with questions the whole ride back.) quick lunch in the hotel
-Visit to IIMA, met with students, toured campus, thought to myself "Maybe I want to study abroad here!" Need to think on that. Regardless, I kinda really like this city and kinda maybe want to spend more time here and kinda maybe think 3-4 months in India would be amazing. Hmmmm...
-Back to the Marriott Courtyard (did I mention this is the nicest hotel ever?) and waffled about going out. Decided to stay and plan to sleep within 30 minutes.
-Started trend with Kevin of taking ridiculous triangle pictures at our various stops. Sang is starting to photobomb the pictures. Good stuff. I like these people!

Sorry for the lame post. Hopefully I have good Bollywood dancing reports from Mumbai tomorrow. :) Good night!

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