Monday, September 23, 2013

First Day!

Today was my first day back at work since last August, and my first day working a real full-time job since May 2011.  Luckily I had some energy to get me through it.
Alright, I didn't actually eat these. But I do love that Joe's brother and sister-in-law gave me $100 grand on my payday.  So clever. In reality, I didn't have to be at work until 9:30 so I was able to hit the gym with my dad and knock out a quick 5K to get my energy up. (I figured it might be the only time that happened, so I better take advantage!)

Today felt so much different than any other first day I have had because I was already at this company last summer.  The typical first-day nerves about how to get to work, where to park, where to go, what to wear, who to talk to, etc... were nonexistent. Since we are training I still have a few days to work up my nerves for the actual work itself. 

My favorite part so far? Reuniting with the other interns from last summer has been wonderful - they are awesome people and make working here so much better. It's like they are family!

After a full day of training and dinner with the new consulting class, I came home to chat with my dad for a few minutes while sharing my leftover dessert from the dinner.  Then I was lucky enough to skype with this guy. 
All around it was a great first day. That being said, I am exhausted and plan to be asleep by 10:45pm. Tomorrow is another jam packed day, and I will take all the rest I can. I definitely feel like I'm in the calm before the storm!

1 comment:

meredith said...

In honor of your 2nd day Taline and I went for lunch at Steeping Room :) Had a we love Erin moment, so you were definitely with us!!