Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Physically Addicted

I don't think I am mentally addicted to working out. But I do think that I am physically addicted. I once read about a mom who's husband would drop her off miles away from their destination so she could run to it while he drove the kids. I thought this was nuts. Still do, actually, but I somewhat relate.

Yesterday morning, I hadn't worked out for 48 hours. I was a mess. I almost started crying at my desk because I felt so gloomy. Really, it was bad - to the point that everyone told me I needed to go home and take some time off. So, I left and went to the gym. By the time I came back, I felt great.

This morning I didn't want to work out at all. But I promised Kerry & Michelle that I would meet them, and at 6:00am we headed off to the AHS track. We made up our own workout to avoid doing anything too hard because we all felt lazy. (see below for the workout details) Now, as I prepare to head to Houston, I feel fabulous. Like a completely different person. My office has noticed too, and some have said, "you must have run or something this morning, huh?"

My point. Mentally, I want some time off. I am not motivated at all to do much of anything. But apparently my body disagrees. It's addicted to the endorphines. I am really glad I dragged myself out of bed this morning.

*The Lost K* by Kerry & Erin
-400 meter repeats, varying by 10K, 5K, 1 mile & rest pace
-between each 400 meters, do 50 reps or 1 minute of ab exercises


Lulu said...

Not to state the obvious or anything.... but see... I told you that you would feel better when you finished.

I love our Tuesday mornings!!

Dionn said...

I am totally with you! Even if mentally I don't feel like working out...after I do it, I always feel better!

And then it keeps me from yelling stupid things like, "What does it take to have you boyz put the damn seat back down when you are finished for heaven's sake????"

Kris said...

I'm a mess if I don't work out, I get so moody and depressed, I have zero energy.

I'm so glad you went and did something--what a difference it makes! :)

Missychel said...

thanks for Tuesday mornings!:) I am getting new shoes BTW.