Thursday, August 16, 2007


Today is SOOOO much better than Monday. Why?

-It's Thursday, not Monday. Enough said.

-My bosses are on vacation for the next 2 weeks!

-I get to do a skit at a luncheon today about an adventure race I'm putting on. It's going to be totally goofy and silly, but I'm still excited about it.

-I got to see Maggie yesterday for the first time in weeks.

-I am not driving back from Houston right now.

-I am wearing a new pair of pants. They are really cute - gray and plaid - and they make me happy.

-I went trail running this morning with Wiley, Lulu, Triscuit & Tim. This was interesting, because I am giant clutz and have little control over my body. And it was very dark. Even with Wiley's headlamp, I still managed to roll my ankle on a rock. I tried to man up and keep going, but it really hurt. Lulu was gracious enough to escort me back to the trail head. I felt very lame, but I still want to go again. Anyway, there were emails waiting for me when I got to work asking me how I am, and telling me that I need to come out again. I'm flattered that they want me to try again after my gloriously slow and clutzy showing this morning.

-It's raining! Which means the creek will not dry up as quickly and we can take the dogs swimming more. And our grass will be green again. And my company should get some work and make money and not harrass me about my hotel rooms.

-My calendar is actually empty tomorrow for the first time in weeks. I may be able to catch up.

-My office is empty now which means I can listen to classical music as loud as I want.

-I am pretty sore from my workout yesterday at the gym. I love gym soreness - it makes me feel like I'm really working.

So, there you have it... a quick list of reasons why today is so much better than Monday!!


Lulu said...

You're a rockstar girl. We will get out again soon when it is not so flippin' dark.

md said...

It was so so so good to see you yesterday!!! Loved the 'girl time' with you. hope to see you saturday morning.

Missychel said...

i miss you.....sorry i bailed last night. todd and i went for sushi instead. abs and shoulders are killing me from yesterday

Anonymous said...

Probably not clutziness--seems like an ankle roll could happen to anyone at that hour on a trail...

Good recovery--upbeat in the office.