Friday, May 20, 2011

Forced Rest

One of the benefits of my foot surgery is the mandatory forced rest. This has meant keeping my foot elevated as much as possible, keeping my movements to a minimum, walking only when necessary, sleeping a lot, and confining myself to the house. I've tried to do some work, but until today I couldn't stay awake at my computer after 5 minutes of it being on. So... little to no work for me. Just mild web surfing, tv, a puzzle, and lots of naps.

1000 pieces - check!
okay, so I may be doing a *little* bit of work :)
I really wanted to go to Home Depot today to finalize our cabinet order for Joe's kitchen remodel. When I asked Joe if we could go, he said "probably not." When I called the cabinet lady, she said she was busy today and couldn't meet. Conspiracy much?! ;) So my one chance at leaving the house today fell through, and I'm forced to rest some more.
All that being said, this is the first time in at least 10 years that I feel like I am allowed to take a break and don't feel obligated to be productive. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

1 comment:

Taline said...

Funny that your ability to rest isn't one of your strong points. :) Totally envious of the puzzle. I love puzzles!