Friday, May 20, 2011

Hop, Hop, Thump, Thump

My first order of business for the SOE (Summer of E) was foot surgery, which is ironic since it takes me out of commission for many of the things I wanted to do all summer. (Work out, swim, box, crossfit, run, bike, etc...) However, it needed to be done and really there just wasn't a better time.

I've been fighting pain in my right foot for over a year now. It started with these painful burning sensations on the inside of my foot that felt like a hot knife was slicing through my skin. Then came the pain right from my right bunion which really started to take its toll on my running. Long story short, this was a problem that would only get worse over time and it made sense to fix it now.

I wasn't scared about the surgery at all - I was mainly concerned about how long I would be out of commission. However, about 3 minutes before they put my under, I got panicky. I'm not sure why exactly, but Joe says the nurse asked me to take my ponytail holder out, and I went "WHY??!" and got wide-eyed and fearful. Luckily, the next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room, saying "I'm hungry!" to anyone who would listen. (I couldn't actually eat though because the anesthesia made me so nauseous. Go figure.)

Joe brought me home and had to carry me to bed because my right foot was so numb/asleep that I almost feel down when trying to walk. If I had to get out of bed, I utilized the "Hop! Hop! Catch my breath and Hop!" method. Lovely.
By yesterday I was feeling better and I could finally take steps with the boot. Now it's more of a "Thump! Thump! Shoot did I step on something? June stop biting my boot! Thump!" kinda walk. I'm not doing much though. I completed a puzzle, I'm taking lots of naps with my elevated foot, and I'm trying to regain energy to get back to my to-do list. (It's really hard to focus and stay awake right now.)

I feel pretty good. Joe has been great, although it's weird that I'm the one with the problems this time around. (He is still winning 3 to 1 in injury world, though!) I'm looking forward to leaving the house again, although I must admit it's been nice to have a forced rest. And speaking of rest, I think it's time for a nap...

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