Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Lightbulb Moment Day. I'll spare the details, but I will say that I walked away shaking my head.

I am full of contradictions. Some stupid....
I am chewing about 15 pieces of sugar loaded bubble gum (yes, at once), yet I only left the dentist's office 4 hours ago, promising to take better care of my teeth.

Some far more important....
I fancy myself a great communicator, and yet I'm often horrible at communicating what I want. I tell people that I'm not a mind-reader, yet I expect others to read my mind.

Some that would be much better to deny....
I fancy myself a productive person, yet I really only have about one hour of productivity in me per day. Eek.

And some that would be better to admit than to deny....
I can be the neediest most independent person I know. Oh we could write novels about that, couldn't we?!

Anyway, today, I realized a big contradiction.

Some things will never change, yet nothing lasts forever.

I'm not sure what to do with that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, this is why I wanted you to put down the fork and do more of the talking. Next time let's spend more time analyzing you. That's the funnest! - Leslie