Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mojo Rising

Just a quick update about training... since I've been a bit remiss in posting about it, and instead like to talk art & wishes & other psychobabble stuff....

To reiterate, I had an AMAZING time at Lonestar. More than anything, I gained the necessary confidence that I can do Ironman, not feel horrible and maybe maintain some semblance of dignity. More than that, I remembered that training is FUN. I had kinda forgotten.

Anyway, post Lonestar, I've been chomping at the bit to do my workouts. Last week started easy with a recovery ride around the neighborhood with Ben. Tuesday, I pushed through spin, a hard run, and then was exhausted by core on Wednesday. I bailed on my open water swim because I was too tired. (Funny, apparently one needs some recovery time after a half ironman.) But I was back at it Thursday, with spin, a run, and T3 swim. I got to join Elizabeth & crew Friday morning for the week's open water swim. Loved it, even though I swam face first into the stairwell railing. (HOW does one do that? Seriously, face first?) I got talent, people!

Then after working at my company's golf tournament all day Friday, I managed - somehow - to hang on to Esther & Jess, and then Opre's Angels (i.e. a pretty intense group of T3 cyclists) during the 75 mile long ride on Saturday. Somehow, my usual "take it easy, no need to push it" voice was taken over by the "you CAN hang with them, Erin - just push it!" voice. It was incredibly hard, but thanks to some strategically located stop lights, I managed to hang with them.

Sunday was the long run. I am so thankful Alisa ran with me. We "ran" 16 miles, and it was TOUGH. Luckily, Alisa is one of the funniest people I know and kept me going and laughing. I won't say the run was a good one, but we got it done with smiles on our faces. (At one point, I pleaded for 5/5's - run 5, walk 5 - but she wouldn't let me. She did allow us to end slightly early and do all our stretching on the Congress Avenue Bridge!)

This week is rocking already, and it's only Tuesday. I'm really enjoying going back to T3 swim practices. The workouts are TOUGH and my lanemates certainly push me harder than I normally would swim. Today, I did a mini triathlon all before 2pm. Awesome spin class with Coach Pain this morning, tempo run around the trail at lunch, and a 3600m swim at Barton Springs. Funny thing, I still have TONS of energy. (Which will be put to good use since I'll be working all evening.) I only have one more thing on my schedule this week (one hour core class) and I technically could take off until Saturday. It's a possibility, considering I'll be attempting a 90 mile ride + 1 hour run on Saturday, and a 20+ mile run on Sunday.

At any rate, I'm really having FUN with this. I'm excited to go to practices. I'm being better about my nutrition. I'm getting more sleep. AND I'm making sure to spend lots of time with my friends, too - ensuring I keep a healthy balance in place.

So, with 10 or so weeks until Ironman, I am happy to report that I am very very, well... happy. I'm doing everything I can to keep this mojo close and bring it with me June 21st.

1 comment:

etg said...

Yeah! You're doing so great, Erin! And your energy is contagious...and I plan on tapping into some of it tomorrow morning at core so I'll thank you in advance:) P.S. We hope you become a regular at the Friday a.m. Barton Spring swims...the more the merrier!