Thursday, November 05, 2009


It's no secret that I have issues with running.

But lately, I *really* have issues with running.

As in, I will do anything to avoid running. And I don't even HAVE to run.

The thing about running is that it's a necessary evil of triathlon. And, more specifically, that little triathlon called Ironman that I signed up to do next year. I've walked that thing, and I'm not doing it again damn it. Which means I still have to train to run.

And I don't want to.

Ugh. Here's to hoping it's just another phase.


Amy said...

I'll help you with your attitude about running if you help me with cycling. We can trade enthusiasms.

Maggie said...

wait! what?? does this mean you ARE doing ironman?? :)))

Yvonne said...

I have the same fear with biking right now. Just have to make that first step to break the anxiety/anticipation of it. I'd be happy to accompany you any time, even if it's on the treadmill at Gold's!

etg said...

You'll get back to it, E! I know you will...and if you plan to run that marathon at the end of CDA then you'll do that, too! Can't wait to see it all happen...

Priscilla said...

Are you back on the Ironman bus?? I know you can do it, and Amy is an awesome training bud. Kinda jealous :) You can do it, I believe in you!!!

Unknown said...
