Friday, August 30, 2013


Holy moly. I only have three weeks left in Austin!

I must admit, I've been feeling pretty blue about leaving lately.  I know, I know, Joe and the pups will still be here. My permanent address is here. But in reality, I am moving to Dallas and there really isn't anyway to sugarcoat that I won't call Austin home for the next few years. 

Time for a Reframe?! Yes, okay.

On the positive side, in addition to the facts that I am moving because I have a wonderful job and  I will get to see my parents so much more, it's a FANTASTIC thing that Austin is so hard to leave.  If I didn't have such an amazing, full life here - completely filled with people I love - I wouldn't be so sad. And I wouldn't trade my life or the people in it for anything.

So, for all of my talk about wanting to move... Now that I am about to leave, I can't imagine calling any place but Austin home. 

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