Saturday, January 27, 2007

Why Maggie Needs a Blog (or... The MerMan)

If Maggie had a blog, she could post a truly funny story about how she almost diluted the Lifetime Fitness pool this afternoon. She could post the pictures she took while trying to appear candid. She could share with us one of the most hilarious things she had ever seen during a swim workout.

But, alas... she doesn't. So I'll do it for her.

The MerMan, by IronMaggie
Today was a pretty good day. I went to work this morning and finished up around 1:30pm. My dear friend Erin had called earlier to see if I wanted to go for a swim, so I was pretty excited about the afternoon.

At about 2:30, Erin finally made it over to my place. (Turns out she had a busy morning riding 20 miles with her friend Laura and trying to master the aerobars on her bike, and then she had lunch - yes at Panera, of course - with her friend Leslie.) She brought an entire wardrobe with her too, as well as 4 pieces of art for me to hang on my walls. After deciding where the new art would go, and doing a clothing swap, we headed over to Lifetime for our workout.

Erin was pretty impressed with my gym, which resembles a mid-size town. We made our way to the pool and chose our workout. We were both feeling pretty good in the pool and really pushed each other. I was pretty impressed that she's doing flip turns now since last time I saw her she looked ridiculous. During our cooldown, we both grabbed our kickboards for some 50's.

As we neared the other end of our lane - we saw it. A black fin approximately 3 feet wide. It was just kind of flapping at the end of the lane, like a happy orca checking things out. Erin & I looked at each other in disbelief, then back to the fin. After a few seconds, an old man, with gloves on his hands, emerged and started flapping back down the lane. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in a pool. I had to pause at the end of my lane because I was laughing so hard. It didn't help that Erin was laughing hard, too - we unintentionally kept egging each other on.

We continued our kick drills but couldn't stop laughing. What made things worse was that there was another older guy trying to swim in the merman's lane, but he couldn't get past the gigantic fin. We figured that we'd swam 2400 meters, and there was no way we'd be able to swim any more next to the fin. At one point, Erin almost ran into me because she was pushed around by the fin's waves. So, I ran back to the locker room and grabbed my camera to document the merman. I must have looked funny standing at the edge of the pool with my camera-phone, but I didn't care.

I'm quite pleased with my workout... Erin & I really pushed ourselves and did pretty well. Swiming with the MerMan was icing on the cake.


Anonymous said...

Maggie told me and Rachel that story over dinner and she was still laughing so hard she almost sprayed Diet Coke out her nostrils.

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing so hard that tears are falling down my cheeks!

Erin, you are so strong in the pool! thanks for pushing me to the point of puking.

I'm thinking about ordering some orca fins so then maybe I can swim faster than you.

I forgot to mention the flip turn action with the orca fins. He stood on his hands and turned 180 with the enormous fin waving and splasing at us like Shamu. it was most entertaining.

Unknown said...

Maggie NEEDS a blog! This is hysterical...especially when she calls you out on your not-so-graceful flip turn!

Erin said...

maggie drinks diet coke? shut up!!

MW said...

; )

Mike said...

I would like to see a pic of this creature.

I once had a lawnmower, and I would mow the grass every week for my mom for like $10. I took immense pride in the precision with which I cut the lawn, so much so that I would refuse help from my brother.

I soon painted a growling mouth on it like a WWII bomber and also put a shark fin on the top of it. I would clamp the automatic drive release and aim him to harmlessly terrorize the neighborhood children. I called him, "Sharky."

Anyways, one day my mom sold Sharky for $5 in a garage sale. He still ran and cut like his first day out of Sears. I was sad that she sold him for so little.

As I was saying goodbye to Sharky, I flipped him over to inspect the condition of his cutting blade. I was confused by the tiny, marred lettering on the blade. It read, "Maggie needs a blog."

I didn't know what it meant at the time. But now the message runs clear. MerMan must be Sharky reincarnated, here to remind me of that mysterious wording and convey the message to the intended recipient. Maggie, start a blog. Do it. Do it for Sharky.

Godspeed, Sharky. Keep cuttin'. I miss ya, buddy.

Missychel said...

maggie......where's the pic? i believe this may be like a big foot sighting until we see the pic.

wow.....2400!! I die jst trying to do ladies RAWK and i am "NOT WORTHY"!!!