Friday, November 07, 2008


I love to use the Garfield minus Garfield comics to illustrate my life. Here goes.

This week has been a tug between this:
and this:
and back. I'm so tired.

This weekend I am really hoping for some fun time. I'm thinking watching Happy Go Lucky with my girls tonight will be just what I need to start the weekend off right.

By the way, blah-some, or blawesome, is a word I invented to represent the tug between feeling blah and feeling awesome. Good stuff right there!


MW said...


Jess said...

you make me laugh...i also love those comics...better than with garfield i think :D

Anonymous said...

I've made up my own word too, "cweet". When you just can't distinguish between cool or sweet, go with both. Cweet!

Jane said...

I feel blah-some most of the time, too. Thanks for giving me a word to describe it, E!