Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hips Don't Lie...

When I finished Ironman, I thought it'd be the perfect time to try something completely new and non-triathlon related.

The obvious choice (for me)? Belly Dancing!

So I looked up classes through U.T.'s informal classes. The first page listed some select classes - one of which was "Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking." Well, being somewhat practical... I decided that this was probably a more important and useful class than bellydancing.

5 weeks of public speaking. Turns out it was *really* helpful in ways I hadn't expected. I'm still terrified of public speaking, at times, but I'm glad I took the class.

So then it was time for something new... and I thought, it's time for bellydancing!

Let's just say that my hips don't lie. My hips are not meant to move like a bellydancer. I gave this class 2 chances... and I am done. I don't like it one bit. I felt myself wanting to trip our teacher midway through class 2 and wishing I was anywhere but where I was. Luckily I didn't invest in zils or a coin skirt.

Yeah, I gave it my best. And I hated it. And that's just fine... Now it's just time to learn something else new!

(Yup... that something new is Quickbooks & a new web design program. Exciting. But I don't have to awkwardly shake my hips to do this, and that's a good thing.)


MW said...

oh come on! Don't sell yourself short!

Shake them hips while working with HTML! I'm sure you can make it work.

etg said...

I'm proud of you for even trying...THAT in and of itself takes some courage!

Amy said...

I made it through an entire class (many years ago), bought the zills and a music tape. And discovered I don't even HAVE hips, so they didn't even have the chance to lie. It was still fun since I did it with friends, but yeah, not something I had any natural talent for, or would ever do again. I imagine I'd discover the same thing if I ever brave up and actually take a ballet class. :)

Good on you for doing both of those classes, though. It's good to put yourself out there and do things outside of your comfort zone. Lying hips and all.

Shorey said...

My grandmother took it for years. I've never seen her move her hips, but she seemed to like it. I need to take a Photoshop class - or buy "Photoshop for Dummies". But I still haven't finished learning Spanish or re-learning French, so that class is on hold.

Good for you for trying! Now at least you know!