Sunday, December 02, 2007


And yet another year passes and I get out of running Decker. The twelve miles on Decker (which I know so well from biking this course so much for Danskin training) have no appeal to me on foot.

However, it's always fun to go out and cheer. This year Wiley (aka Bike) and I took out our bikes and hit two spots along the course. He came equipped with 2 cowbells, which made cheering a lot easier. He did manage to get a "F@$# You" from one runner, and the finger from another. Well done, Mike! I like to put my past cheerleading skills to good use. Dionn would be proud of me!
Lulu & Justin rode by...
Here's the group post-run/pre Trudys.
And lastly, my buddies!! I LOVE THESE TWO!!!!!!


Lulu said...

I love you too!!

Dionn said...

You are an AWESOME cheerleader!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Panther said...

Bastard people.