Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have been a cranky bear lately.

But my boss just turned it all around. We were having a conversation about the ways we deal with difficult people. He's really into astrology and birthdays, plus he's known me for 6 years, so he very accurately described the 2 ways I deal with people who make me mad.

1) I step back, take a deep breath, and mechanically think through what's upsetting me and address it calmly and rationally.


2) I lash out with the most evil spiteful things I can think of. I'm not fond of this method, but it happens. Passive aggressive much? Luckily, I'm usually able to lash out at a nurturing friend in place of the person upsetting me. (Sunday night for instance, Mike was privy to an entire evil Erin tirade. Mean Mean Evil DF! He just laughed at me, which made it better.)

Anyway, bossman and I were talking through this and we determined that #2 is actually okay, as long as it's followed up with the following: "I am disappointed that I have to deal with you."

I love it. So much so that I nearly fell out of my chair laughing so hard about it. Thanks to this little conversation and a purely beautiful saying, my week has officially turned around for the better.

I declare it so. Cranky bear begone!

1 comment:

MW said...

E, I am disappointed that I had to deal with you. (on Sunday)