Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I don't need flowers...

Monday got to me. I had a really frustrating annoying day - the type of day where I could have broken out in tears and/or kicked a door and/or stomped my feet while yelling "why am i here!?" Well, maybe not that dramatic... but I definitely was questioning my decision to return to school and definitely feeling like I was the stupidest person in the school.  Grumpasaurus much?

So... then comes Tuesday. I woke up early, headed to the gym to get some reading in, and found myself next to one of UT's marketing professors! We talked for a good half hour, and while I didn't get any reading done - I found myself reinvigorated about school.  I carried that feeling throughout the day... in fact, I even understood my statistics session. Did you read that correctly? I UNDERSTOOD it. It was a monumental class! My study group is rocking things, I'm feeling ahead of schedule, and I'm happy to be in school again. Phew. 

However... I have been slacking on the home front. One of my favorite things about school is my lunchbox. It's filled with breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the day. I love it. However, I didn't make my lunch this week and I certainly didn't feel like making it at 9pm when I returned home last night.

Enter my most awesome boyfriend... when I got home, he ran to the door saying "E! E! I have a surprise! Come here!" I walked to the kitchen, already smelling something wonderful, and found that he made me dinner and lunch for the rest of the week! WAHOO!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!! Honestly, it was the best thing he could have possibly done for me, and he didn't even know it! Or maybe he did... either way I was so happy and appreciative.

So... my point(s). I am feeling better about school again.  I am willing to compromise a good workout for great conversation. And... Joe is awesome.

Joe gets it! I don't need no stinking flowers. Just make me a batch of turkey and I'm happy as can be!

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