Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Sample Day...

yay for a cut & paste from the official student blog! Doing double duty... I feel so efficient! :)

It's been nearly two weeks, and I am happy to report that I'm finding routine.  It's a really busy routine that changes every day, but I'll take it! Curious what a first year MBA schedule looks like? Well wonder no more, lucky readers, because I will now share my Wednesday with you.

5:00am - some 101x rock wakes me up
5:15am - after pressing "snooze" 2 times, I get out of bed, pack lunch, pack backpack, pack gym bag, and head out the door
6:00am - arrive at the gym, where I try to read my finance book while balancing on the elliptical machine
7:30am - showered & finally awake, I head to school...

8:00am - arrive at McCombs, find my friends in the Carpenter Center, check emails, eat breakfast, start studying
9:00am - meet with my study group, plan out our group projects for the semester, start analyzing a financial case on Airbus
12:00pm - eat lunch in the Carpenter Center while reviewing the MBA Announce email, fill in Outlook calender with upcoming events

12:30pm - Managerial Economics with Dean Gilligan (today: class discussion on China case study)
2:00pm - head to the new Student Services Building for Starbucks, hang out with my Cohort friends
4:00pm - Financial Management with Dr Sialm (today: intro to capital budgeting)
5:45pm - Class is done! Head home, unwind with my dogs and eat dinner with Joe. Realize I'm talking in "b-school speak" and getting excited talking about China's reforms in the 80's & 90's. Feel dorky and happy at the same time.
8:00pm - Back to it! Revise my resume, start on economics paper, start finance homework, review statistics for tomorrow... and blog!
11:00pm - Perhaps sleep would be a good idea... I'm calling it a day!

When I say each day is different, here is the plan for tomorrow: I have accounting and statistics classes in the morning, and then I meet with my career adviser, attend the student organization fair, attend an MBA+ writing workshop, attend a "meet your mentor" event, and attend the Thursday night "Think & Drink."

Sounds fun, right? It is, trust me! It's a lot of work, but I find myself excited about every day at McCombs. That is a very very very good thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just had to write and let you know that I am enjoying your blog entries. Keep it up you are doing a great job. You are truly amazing.