Friday, November 23, 2007

It's Your Own Dumb-Asphalt You're Broke

I couldn't sleep last night. So at 2:30am, I decided to check out the Woot shirt of the day. By 2:30am, this was already sold out. Seriously, that is insane. But normal. (Which is why I checked it at 2:30am.)
Oh well, it's awesome & I want to share:
They charged you how much? For a cup of coffee? Let me see that. Whoa, and the cup is freezing cold to boot. Boy, did you get taken for a—OK, well here’s your problem, right here. You’ve got whipped cream in here. And ice! I mean actual ice cubes! What are these, sprinkles or something? It smells kind of… cinnamony. There’s, like… what, fudge or something at the bottom? If you ordered coffee, you should take this right back; they gave you a sundae that someone spilled coffee into.

This shirt was designed by: shirt.wooter shmeedles—a congenital tightwad, sure, but our congenital tightwad.
Wear this shirt: to the senior center, or the barber shop, or wherever you cranky cheapskates hang out.

Don’t wear this shirt: to a certain ubiquitous coffee chain. Unless you’re just going to get an Odwalla juice; those are sooo good, and worth it.

This shirt tells the world: “I’ve not yet succumbed to Starbucks Fatigue Fatigue.”

We call this color: With A Daily Five-Dollar Drink Fix It’s Your Own Dumb-Asphalt You’re Broke.

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