Thursday, April 10, 2008

Still pulling....

Okay, okay. Things are looking up.

Three hours ago, I shut off my email and got down to business. I'm wading through the mess and coming to terms with the fact that I am only one person. I usually try to take on everything... but I am quickly coming to terms with the fact that I can't. Which is okay.

Anyway, thanks for the well wishes. Man, you people come out of the woodwork!! ;) I really really really really really appreciate it.

Before I sign off, I thought I'd share this picture I took while cleaning off my desk. These are all my hotel keys from last year. Thanks, Houston.


Unknown said...

don't you give them back ? They reuse them, don't they ?

KP said...

Uh... I think gordon's right - that's nothing more than a stack of stolen goods, E.

I don't know the statute of limitations on thieving property with a total of value of 0.078 cents, but you know, watch it... if a bellboy from the Four Points is surfing/web-stalking one day and sees this illicit schwag, you're busted, sister.

Shorey said...

Recycle! I think that's all Gordon was suggesting.

MW said...
