Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Okay, so it took a little longer than I meant it to. I go into hibernation from time to time. I've done this my whole life. Slowly, slowly... I'm coming back out into the world.

A few things I've learned and/or reconfirmed lately... I hate being injured. Not being able to work out has sucked. I am addicted to endorphins. Period.

I can't save everyone. Actually, to be more precise - I can't save anyone. And I can't make anyone happy, either. I can only augment other people's happiness. In the end, people have to save themselves.

People really do love me. Loving myself is often not easy, but with people in my life who love me - it's so much easier. For those of you who tried to get me to crawl out of my cave, or just swung by to make sure I was still alive in there, thank you. For those who came and snuck in there with me, thank you too.

I probably sound like a drama queen. But it's my blog and I'll be a drama queen if I want to. At any rate... I'm reemerging feeling very happy and very positive, and I am so excited about the next year. I'm even more excited about right now.


md said...

I went in the cave. I had to. why wouldn't I?

etg said...

Glad to have you back out here with us...but you probably didn't miss that much!

Yvonne said...

I've been in and out of my cave like every other week, it's nice and warm in there :)

Jane said...

erin - you are awesome.

totally off topic, but i just realized that when i check your blog, your profile photo makes me feel like you can actually see me. I almost just said out loud, "oh. hey, erin!"

but then again...i'm weird like that.

Coach Logan said...

It's the time of year to lay low. Hell I would if I could.
As the saying goes..... We're not here for a long time but a good time.

Scott Mc said...

Wonderful post. Be happy. You're much loved.