Friday, December 26, 2008

Jess Rocks!

Meet Jess. She is a badass.
Besides being smart, funny, an awesome athlete, and many many other things.... she is teaching me how to cook! I'm not exactly sure how I got to be the lucky one who benefits from Jess's skills in the kitchen (except perhaps that I asked for help) - but I am loving it!!

Today was our second "lesson." Last time, she perused my kitchen and looked through all the recipes I have pulled over the past few years - recipes that remain unmade, by the way. Today, we went to the grocery store and then made lentil soup. We made enough so I can freeze a bunch and have healthy meals ready to go when I need them. It is so yummy. She also gave me a soup pot and this awesome recipe book she made, complete with plastic inserts and divider tabs. It is so cool!
Thank you so much, Jess!!!


Jess said...

it's my pleasure...everyone should be able to eat well...that makes me truly happy

etg said...

Yeah for Erin starting to love (okay, like?) cooking! I agree with Jess that everyone should be able to eat well...and once you get the hang of it, it's just not that hard. And it can be really fun. We'll all have to cook together sometime!