Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Overthinking, Bomb Squad, Only Child

I have said it before, but I think Elizabeth is brilliant. Actually, in addition to being brilliant, I think she is wise. (This, I think, is actually far more beneficial in life.) I'm not alone by the way - she was T3 Athlete of the Month, and the response to her has been awesome to see. Yay ETG!!!!

Tonight we were chatting about something, and of course she said something brilliantly wise. When I pointed out how she always adds new perspectives to things, she said:

"I blame it on my only-childness...LOTS of time to think things over. Seriously, sometimes people have to tell me to stop thinking...and I think they are right! When it's reflection, it's good...when it's over-thinking it can be not so good!"

This got me thinking. I mean, reflecting. I often wonder if I hadn't had to entertain myself for so long, would I spend so much time thinking and overthinking things? Taking that to a different level, would I find myself needing so much challenge in my life? It has been pointed out that I like to take things right to the edge, then step back and untangle what I've done.

It's true. Lots of times, I will (theoretically!!) build a bomb, sneak in somewhere, hide it, set the timer, run outside... and then do everything I can to diffuse it before it blows up. And why? The challenge, of course. (Plus, maybe, I feel like a hero? Oh geez, here is me overthinking again!)

Sheesh. I know I can't totally blame this on my only-childness. But... I do think E is right. Being an only child, i.e. spending a ton of time by yourself, makes you do and think some crazy stuff.

I am getting better. Doesn't always mean I won't go building bombs, but at least I am starting to recognize when I put on my "bomb squad" suit. That is a step, right?

Anyway, that's all. I was going to blog about socio-emotional selectivity theory, but that's for another day. :)


Shorey said...

I bet Homeland Security just picked up your blog post & is now combing through years of your blog posts & internet hits to find out what you're really about.

But besides that... I was an only child until I was in my teens, and I agree. It's easy to overthink, noodle & re-noodle stuff simply because you're by yourself. Good post!

etg said...

Now it's my turn to say something that I've said before - Erin is WAY too kind to me. Honestly, there's no streak of brilliance here...maybe a little wisdom (insight?) from time to time. Mostly the sort that comes with life experiences that I try to make some sense of. I do think that as a child I probably had way too much time on my hands to think...and now as I tackle lots of miles by bike and on foot I have lots of alone time, too! I like to think of it as "reflection" time rather than "over-thinking" time although I'm sure there's a fine line between the two!

Sadie J said...

I'm an only child, too. Overthinking is definitely part of who we are.