Monday, February 18, 2008

Know When to Back Off Training

This was the Life & Arts featured story today:
Know When to Back Off Training.

It's an interesting article. I think a lot of us (okay, please shine the huge spotlight on me) get a bit obsessive over working out. Personally, I've only taken one day off this year - and that was because I was curled up in bed in the fetal position. Even the next day, when I should have rested, I ran 4 miles just to do something.

A quote from the article that struck home: "Overtraining is not unlike a mild form of addiction." You think!?!

This year I am going to be serious about my training. I want to kick ass on the bike. I want to run faster. I want to be a steady swimmer. I want to be strong. I want to be healthy. And most importantly, I want to have fun. I have goal races. I will not sandbag. I will not make excuses.

I will also start resting. One day a week, most likely Friday, I will take off. It's odd that taking a rest day is often times harder than working out. But I know it will be of great benefit.

(So, if anyone is up for breakfast on Fridays, I am free!)


Mark said...

"It's not the training that makes you stronger -- it's the recovery from the training that makes you stronger."

Missychel said...

count me in for the rest!!!