Friday, February 22, 2008

Rough Life, Day 4

Had I gotten home at a reasonable hour last night, I would have posted this yesterday. I blame Dionn, Kris, and Big Phil.

After work, I went to Jack & Adams to pick up my newly tuned bike (and new shoes and pedals!) and meet Dionn for a run. We headed south towards the trail, passing by a ton of white, somewhat sketchy vans (as seen behind me).
We came to the trail, noticed policemen on bikes, and then men in suits, and then.... Look who!
Dionn & I turned into starstruck girls. B.O. saw us, gave us this very studly nod, then came and shook our hands. It was the coolest, most random thing. When he walked away, one of his bodyguards said, "You'll be voting for him, right?" to which Dionn just pointed at herself and said, "Duh!" Haha... As Dionn said, he left us all "a twitter!"

Anyway, what a neat experience! I have been having the most random things happen to me lately, but this was by far one of the coolest. This also reminds me how freaking lucky we are to have the trail in Austin. Now I've run next to our mayor, our senator, our governor, and now perhaps our president!


Kellie said...

That is so cool!

Kris said...

I'll say again what I said on Dionn's blog--how freakin' cool to get the "what's up" (or was it more of a "hey, baby"?) from the oh-so-hot maybe-next-president.

Why didn't I go run...?!

Buzz said...

John McCain just called me, BO better get on the phone if he wants my vote :)

Dionn said...

still twitterpated thinking about it...

And let that be a lesson to you blowing off workouts! You never know what is going to happen!