Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Today, I made two very stupid mistakes. First, I was supposed to meet a client at 7:30 for breakfast at Kerbey Lane on Guadalupe. Which I remembered at 7:30am as I sat and waited patiently at Kerbey Lane on Kerbey.

Then later today, when I was waiting at the Rock for Scot to show up, I realized we said we'd meet up at Runtex. Luckily he didn't give me too much grief when I showed up 20 minutes late.

Ugh, stupid mistakes!! It's pretty obvious that I need to slow down and regroup. I am obviously one of those people that always has something going on (and if not, I'll make something), but I rarely make mistakes like these. This reminds me of earlier this year when I left something at house every day of the week. (The first day, my car & house keys, which was really just a pleasant experience.) My mind was doing too much then too.

Thing is, I don't see any sign of slowing down anytime soon. Time to regroup!

1 comment:

md said...

sounds like me...all the time!