Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Randomness

Organized writing... Screw it! Here's what I'm up to:

1) 4:30am appears to be my new wake-up time. This is okay because I can't keep my eyes open past 10:00pm anymore, and I seem to be most productive first thing in the morning. Take this morning: I did laundry, the dishes and the crossword puzzle before going back to sleep at 5:30am.

2) I am recommitting to my IM training, which has been a great relief to me (and others!) That being said, I still ditched spin last night in favor of quality time outside. Totally worth it.

3) My favorite quote of the week: "I'm not sayin' it's a lie... I'm just sayin' it's not the truth!"

4) My second favorite quote of the week: "I'm just a group photo on a farm. What's the big deal?" (If you're, uh, privileged enough to be part of Mike's crazy photo tagging, then you'll get it.)

5) "Gang Leader for a Day" is a great book. I'm about halfway done, but already feel good about recommending it. Next up: Three Laws of Performance. Excited about that one too!

6) I need sunshine. Dreary days + shark week = crazy Erin.

7) Breakfast is quickly becoming my favorite time of day.

8) I wish I had about $10k that I had to spend in the next 24 hours, on things that had no value except that I just want them. Why? I love the show at Wally Workman Gallery right now. This guy not only paints beautiful, contemplative women, he paints ROBOTS too! (I have this robot, thanks to Michelle!) If anyone feels so inclined to buy me this painting, I've got a spot picked out already. Just sayin. I'll write a whole blog post about how awesome you are. :) Ha.

9) Scissors for Lefty is coming... Oh yeah. They are coming. To Austin. Soon. In my neighborhood, too. Uh.... HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!

10) Lesson of the week: Life is WAY too short to worry about the future all the time. Live NOW, I say! (And I shall try to practice that, too!)

TGIF!! I'm outta here! :)


Unknown said...

I heart #3...Fantastic!!!

Missychel said...

Count me in for S4L!!

I heart your face......

Unknown said...

You'll like this:

erin said...

Shorey, that's awesome! Thanks for sharing. Robots are the coolest.