Thursday, February 12, 2009

Looking good on paper...

I have hundreds of thoughts bumping around in my head at the moment, but I think I'll write about this one: it's funny how something can look perfect on paper, and yet be completely wrong.

Recently I found an opportunity that looked perfect on paper.... it really seemed just perfect. But when I pulled it off the paper - and looked at in in 3D, so to speak - I realized it wasn't what I wanted at all. It seemed like such a great fit, but I hated the way it looked when I put it on.

It's funny how often things that seem like they should work just... don't. And what actually works is the piece of paper that at first glance, you should crumple it up, throw it away and never look back. But you never know, that mess on paper might actually be just what you're looking for.

So, with that, I'm staying put for now. I had a little wake up call and realized that I am happy as can be right where I am. (That being said, I still give myself permission for the occasional, frustration-filled pity party. I'll try to keep those to a minimum, though.)


Anonymous said...

That was too deep for me. I think it actually hurt my brain.

Priscilla said...

I liked the post :) It reminds me of my budget on paper. Once I take it off paper, it goes to crap...