Thursday, July 10, 2008

Swim Clinic - Check!

Six weeks ago I started T3's swim clinic. I'm happy to say that I now swim like this!

Yeah right! But I can at least recognize what Ian Thorpe is doing that makes him so speedy. Me on the other hand, uh... not so much. :)

This clinic was awesome. When I started, I was a very sloppy swimmer - one who stayed mostly on my stomach, inserted my arms in the wrong direction and one who flicked her wrists all over the place. I know this because they filmed me and I had to watch. In slow motion, no less. Ick.

I think I've cleaned up my act. :) I rarely flick my hands out of the water anymore. I know how to rotate from side to side. I enter the water in the right place (most of the time.) And I understand now what the "catch" is and what the "pull" is! I'm not any faster, in fact I am probably a bit slower than before, but I know how to swim now. I'm very excited to start going to practice and see what happens.

Go T3!!!!!!! :)

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