Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When does it get easy?

I like cycling. I consider it my strongest sport. So why do my T3 spin workouts keep getting harder? I swear, each week I think "that was the hardest spin workout of my life." And 2 days later, they do it again. Tonight I was SURE that we were done... I was SURE that we were doing drills to cool down. But, no! One more 4/4/5 set. UGH, I now know what it is like to BONK during a spin class.

However... deep inside, I love every minute of it. And I'm still loving T3, especially as I get to know more people. When you see the same people, oh, Monday morning at swim, then Monday evening for core/running, then Tuesday morning at swim, then Tuesday evening at core/spin, etc... it's hard not to get to know them. Luckily everyone I have met so far has been wonderful.

On another note, after sharing my blog with a fellow T3er - Carrie - who informed me she now knows all about the last 2 years of my life, I decided to take a peek back at some posts from last year. I think this one is hilarious. My thoughts on Ironman.

You can only deny it so much, right? :)


Dionn said...

AHA!!! It wasn't even I who planted the IM seed!! I just pointed you towards some MiracleGro maybe. :)

And HOLY MACKEREL. What was up with spin? Good lord. Someone save us.

..but how fun though, right? :D

See you on the track tonight!

michelle said...

I'd like to say that in exactly 2.65 months, spin will become easier...not so much! I wasn't so sure I'd last the final 5 min aerobic set, but the legs managed to keep turning.

Keep on keepin' on!! :)
See you at the track!

Mark said...

It will never get easy.

You have a mentality/competitiveness/personality/drive (all meant as compliments) that will always compel you to try harder, give workouts (and presumably everything else in your life) maximum effort. As your training boosts you ability/capability you'll just go farther and faster for your 100%, but it'll still be 100% and therefore not easy :-}

Oh, and probably because of that trait, you need to actively make sure you do "easy" workouts "easy" and "off" days "off" etc. You're young and can recovery quickly, but help your body recover, give it the chance, before flinging it back into the next 100% that you demand of it :)


Oh Lord...talk about irony!!

BTW--I'm not REALLY a stalker since I read the last two years of your blog ;-) I feel like we've known each other for years, but then again, that's how I feel about most of the ladies at T3. We all come from different backgrounds and social lives, but we definitely have a bond with triathlon. It's like we're all there for the same reason--to be the best we can be (and to spend a shitload of money on coaching, equipment and racing!) :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay Erin!! I'm completely freaked about the spin classes now!! Cycling is my weakest sport and to compare it to running it would be as if I didn't know how to walk, it's THAT bad, but I talked to Maurice during the Ironman pre-session and he promised he could get me there. I just want to finish. I'm super excited, but jealous that I can't join until January :( You and Dionn are rock stars!! Y'all put the smack down at the Couples Tri. Woo hoo!!