Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Foot on Fire

Damn it. Seriously... Damn it.

After watching 3 of my close friends wind up with painful foot problems, while I watched on silently thankful that I didn't have it, I have now fallen victim.

I seriously want to cut my foot off. My right heel hurts so much that I want to cry. I am walking around like an old man, and it sucks. I was just starting to ramp up my running again, too. Grrrrr.
Has anyone else had pain like this? I've had plantars before, but it's been more on my arches. Now my right heel feels like it is on fire - like little fire ants are biting it over and over and over, then stabbing it with tiny little knives. It is also very inflammed and has a whitish red patch about 1.5" in diameter. Is this plantars? Is it something else? Please help!
Owwww... I really don't want to resort to a saw.


JohnF said...

When I had plantars, at its worst it felt a little like you describe, but never did it have a visible inflamation.

Slingshot said...

OUCH :( Go see a doctor!

Shorey said...

I think plantars must be different on different people. I had 2 days of pain like you describe, but never when I was actually running. Usually about an hour afterwards. The primary pain was where the fascia inserts at the heel, and then it pulls on everything else. Tight calves (soleus) also contribute. I use my TP roller quite a bit, and have several adhesions in my heel that get worked out through sports massage, ART, and a frozen water bottle (covered with a towel) that I use on my heel twice a day. It's finally under control, but I'd recommend seeing someone.

I also bought some Spenco inserts (Crosstrainers - you can get them at Karavel. Rogue doesn't have the Crosstrainers, they have other kinds. They should be soft & flexible). Avoid walking barefoot.

Buzz said...

I'm sorry, looks like it is time to visit Dr. C and his miracle man.