Monday, June 18, 2007

Gym Etiquette for the Day

Here is a friendly suggestion for those who find it necessary to strip down to nothing in the locker room at Gold's Gym.

Please, please, please do not do this in the first section of the locker room, where there are no lockers or walls around you. There is a space for you to get down with your naked self - that space is far away from where I first look when I walk into the locker room.

I really did NOT need to see that. Really.

Thank you.


MW said...

(i had to refresh 4 times to get a friendly captcha)

Please do tell more.
Male Female.
We need visuals for the laughter.

Missychel said...

Well that's one way to wake up in the morning but I would rather have a cup of coffee for my eye-opener.

Dionn said...

Note to self: no streaking in front of Erin.

Got it.

Shorey said...

Maybe she's just happy with her body.