Sunday, March 25, 2007

"What's Your Passion?"

Recently, someone posed the question, "What's your passion?" to me. Before I had time to think about my answer, I replied, "Working out!"

To which my coworker replied, "You really think? If you didn't have any obligations, you would work out?!"

Well, I suppose he was right. I like working out, but I'm not sure that's my PASSION, exactly.

I've been giving it more thought, and I've returned to one of my new year's resolutions - help each one of my friends (who asks) accomplish something important to them.

Now we're on to something! Honestly, I think my passion is helping others. This is what I enjoy more than anything... Perhaps this is why I keep trying to clone myself into all of my friends! (i.e. Michelle, Leslie, etc...)

And so brings us to this morning, where I watched the next chapter in the life of my hot pink road bike unfold. This morning, I met Leslie at the Veloway to help teach her how to ride the bike. I originally planned on getting about 30 miles in, but instead I rode alongside her (or stayed on the curb and watched her) as she learned how to clip in and out of the pedals and turn right and left. She was amazing... granted, she had her fair share of falls (as anyone learning all of this does); but she kept getting right back on the bike and kept trying. She made immense progress in just the hour we worked together, and I'm confident that she'll be attacking the full Veloway next Saturday.

To be honest, I had just as much fun helping a friend start working towards her own accomplishment as I do working on my own accomplishments. I'm so excited to see how much progress she will make, and to read her race report from her first triathlon. (Reminds me of my bike progress.) I didn't even have regrets of not riding 30 miles.

I'm also excited to see the hot pink road bike get some more miles and do some more races. (The picture shows us together at the mile 55 or so at Prarieman.)

Anyway, for now, if you ask me what my passion is, I'm sure of my answer.


MW said...

i've been thinking about this for a while. Like, a good 25 mins this morning while i sat in traffic from hell because people have decided that driving in the rain is something you do in 1st and 2nd gear only. But i can't figure out what my passion is.

Mike said...
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Anonymous said...

Leslie is such a trooper for tackling the bike and the clipless pedals. She should be proud of her battle wounds...I know I am!!
way to take her under your wings.