Thursday, July 19, 2007


As many of you know, I am very perceptive... I pick out little nuances and motions that my friends make and can imitate them pretty well. So well, in fact, that I start taking them on as my own.

In the past, I've complained that I don't have any of my own little idiosyncrasies, or at least not many that people can readily tell me... But today I found one. One that is my own, one that I've never seen anyone else do: I kind of slap my hand on my forehead when I get frustrated or I'm thinking something over.

How did I figure this out? Because this morning, I ran into a tree. Yes, that's right - I ran smack into a tree while Michelle & I were running at Town Lake. The combination of darkness and not seeing above my glasses did me in. And now I have a nice little welt on my forehead, made worse by the fact that I keep hitting it with my right hand.

Lovely, huh!


Anonymous said...

OK ICE, as a friendly warning, if this type of collision-based behavior continues, then a change in your nickname will be in order. You shall then be known as "Ms. Magoo." ; )~

Lulu said...

I was watching Little Einsteins this morning and one of the girls giggled just a little and it reminded me of one of your mannerisms - see you have your own!!