Friday, December 29, 2006

New Years Resolutions / Goals

I'm not really big on New Years Resolutions, but I do have two goals for 2007.

1) Yes, this is totally cliche' for chicks. I get it. But my goal for 2007 is to be able to run comfortably wearing running shorts and a sports bra. This means that my stomach will be exposed to the world. Just writing this kind of sends my stomach into knots, but I am putting this out there for everyone to see. And for you, as my friends, to hold me accountable. (I almost feel like Kristi Alley going on Oprah!) I haven't decided a "reveal" date, but I'm thinking that the Rogue Women's Tri looks promising.

2) I want to help each one of my friends accomplish something in 2007. The caveat - they have to ask, and it has to be something I really can help with. My first project: help Mike (Ostrich) swim one mile in Barton Springs. I am very excited about this. There is little that makes me as happy as helping others. I know Mike really wants this, so I can't wait to help him.

So, if you want some help this year - let me know!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for my swim lessons!

In exchange I will teach how to take a Friday margarita nap at Barton Springs.

Anonymous said...

You are a braver girl than me! I don't know if I'll ever feel OK running with just a sports bra and shorts :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go!! You can totally do it.

I'm getting back in the dating if you know any fantastic men lemme know;)

Anonymous said...

how can you help me?
i'm unhelpable... i think.