Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Muggy - Ick!

When I was a kid, I must have heard that weather affects a person's mood. For as long as I can remember, I always feel kind of "blah" when it's, well, "blah" outside. On the contrary, I'm the happiest person you've ever met when it's sunny outside. I wonder if this theory holds any value, or if it's mental.

Anyway, since it's been "blah" since I returned from Las Vegas (which, by the way, was sunny and gorgeous), I have not been particularly motivated to do much of anything. Tonight was the first night that I can remember when I didn't have a workout scheduled, and didn't make a huge effort to do something anyway. Instead, I came home, snacked, did the crossword puzzle, and fell asleep on my couch. Then, I went to Magnolia Cafe with Maggie. We stayed for almost two hours.

Thanks to dinner with Maggie, and a few other events today, I'm looking back at the day fondly. But I am still tired and "blah" feeling. I'm really not even looking forward to getting up and running (with the exception of meeting my buddies.) I'm ready for sun again.

And one more thing - we are in the process of replacing all the windows in our house. So as I type this, I can still feel the mugginess from outside since our windows aren't sealed, and we don't have any curtains because they don't fit in the space anymore. Even though I'm inside, I really can't escape this weather!

I'm heading to Houston tomorrow for the rest of the week. Muggy capital of Texas - should be fun!


MW said...

Houston is muggy and fugly. Be careful.
(my comments suck, but it's fun to get comments, so i post one just so you know people read yer stuff. The same can't be said about my blog. as in, peole don't read my stuff)

Unknown said...

I hear ya on the "blah" stuff...I swear we've had a ton of gray weather this spring;(

It was great too see you this morning at The Rock!

Mike- you're complaining like a woman.

Missychel said...

I completely agree!! This morning was too swampy to be running outside. But I am glad we ran and got it over with. I culd not imagine running once the sun is out to make it oh-so-steamy outside.

Have a safe trip....and H-town is FUGLY:)

Kris said...

I'm in Dallas and it's craptacular here, too! Gray weather sucks.

Have a good trip to H-town!

Erin said...

(thanks, wiley.)

guess what - it's muggy in houston, too. not as much as it was in dallas. and besides, i'm checking email inside Panera - so I can't complain. :)

MW said...

I just bought Panera for the 2nd straight day. But i swayed from regular lunch and bought a Mushroom trio and tomato soup instead of the baked potato.

Also, i now know when to go and buy the baguette and ask for a warm one, and then i devour it with the butter packs they have. LUV IT!