Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Morning Routine

Yeah! It's no longer a holiday... things are back to normal!!!

I thought I'd share my typical weekday morning routine.

  • If I have swim class, I set the alarm to 5:00am, and snooze until 5:20am, get dressed and make my way to the pool by 5:45am.
  • If I run, I set my alarm to 5:30am, snooze until 5:50, get dressed and head to the trail by 6:00am.
  • If I'm sleeping in, I don't set the alarm and usually wake up around 7:00am.
  • It usually takes me about 10-15 minutes to get dressed before I head downstairs to greet my dogs.
  • For breakfast, I usually have cereal + soy milk + banana, or more likely, a bagel from Panera. (chocolate chip hazelnut is my favorite)


  • Usually, I talk to Tim on my way in to work. Lately we seem to talk about how I spill coffee on myself every morning.
  • Speaking of coffee, I've gotten in to the habit of stopping at the Exxon on Ben White/S. Congress and taking advantage of $.64 coffee at TigerMart. Recent flavors have included: Pumpkin Spice, French Vanilla, Hazelnut... this morning was French Toast. Surprisingly tasty!


  • I usually arrive at work an hour before my staff, so I have a few minutes to get my bearings and check email, websites, etc...
  • First I check my work email to see what's on the calendar for the day and see if there is anything pressing. Then I check my personal email.
  • Next, I go through my website "favorites" list, which includes the following blogs: Lulu, Ostrich, Wiley, Joey, Glenda, Rob, Katie, Rabbit, Greg, and Team Pain Train. If I have time, I'll look at the Yahoo "Most Popular," the Rogue forum and Woot.com (thanks to Wiley's suggestion.)
  • This all takes about 10-15 minutes, and I feel it is a vital routine for me if I want to focus on work for the rest of the day.
  • Lastly, if my boss is done with it, I read the Statesman and get the crossword puzzle/sudoko/jumble ready for later. If I have the chance, I'll try to quickly do the word jumble in under a minute. (Yes, I am a huge dork. I know this already.)

By the way, speaking of blogs - there are a few people who I really wish had blogs. These people include: Maggie, Tim, Kenny, Lara, Rachel B., Rob S., Leslie, Laura and Soll. Can you people please get on it??


Anonymous said...

I agree we need a few more blogs to read, especially the peeps we know.

I too read all of those blogs before starting my work day...need to know what's going on in my friend's worlds.

Anonymous said...

Tim has a blog. He just needs to update it. That post from 2003 just ain't doing it for me anymore.

and what about Daily Dilbert?

Buzz said...

Some of us aren't creative enough to come up with something to write about all the time.

Mike said...

You're right, Tim. But we still read Amber's blog anyway.

Erin said...

Ouch, Mike. Very ouch!

Buzz said...

Ah snap Mike! Oh no he didn't.